Criminal Defense
A criminal conviction record comes with many serious consequences. Fines, a damaged reputation, difficulty finding a job, loss of driving privileges, and even jail time are all possibilities. If you have been charged with a crime, you need aggressive, experienced legal representation from attorneys who know what is on the line and are determined to protect your rights. At Benjamin B. Whiting & Associates, we represent clients in Jackson, MI and the surrounding areas of Jackson, Lenawee, Hillsdale, Ingham, and Eaton counties. Our lawyers are committed to ensuring you secure the best results possible, whether that is getting the case dismissed or reducing charges.
Defending You When You Need it Most!
The consequences of being convicted of drunk driving are significant, including revoking your driver’s license, a criminal record, or even jail time. That’s why, if you are charged with OWI (Operating While Intoxicated), you should contact us immediately, so we can provide you with the aggressive representation you need. We are committed to either getting your case dismissed, or at least reducing the consequences, so that you can move forward. Whether this is your first or third offense, whether or not you caused an accident, no matter your blood alcohol level or your age, we will defend you, protect your rights and analyze all aspects of your case.
Driver’s License Restoration
Having your license revoked or suspended can affect all aspects of your life by hampering your ability to get where you need to go. Whether you have had your license revoked because of a drunk driving conviction or for another traffic crime, our team can help.
After your first OWI, your license will initially be taken away for 30 days. Following that, you will have restricted driving privileges for 150 days. However, subsequent OWI offenses can result in years of having your license completely revoked. After the initial revocation period passes, you must apply to restore your license, which involves several difficult steps to re-qualifications, such as proving that you have not consumed alcohol. Our attorneys can defend you in court to make sure you keep your license.
Domestic Violence
Our attorneys defend both victims of domestic violence and those accused of domestic violence.
If you have faced abuse from your spouse or partner, we are here to protect you, which may include a personal protection order (PPO) for your safety. We also can help you obtain a divorce, or the custody of your children. We understand the seriousness of domestic abuse and work to make sure you can move forward with your life without living in fear of your spouse or partner.
If you are accused of domestic violence, we will aggressively defend you. When you have been accused of domestic abuse, you often are not able to contact your spouse or partner, which can mean that you no longer can live at home or have the ability to see your children. You are also at risk of a permanent protection order (PPO). We will help you to avoid or reduce the terms of a PPO, work to protect you from assault, stalking and violating a PPO charges, as well as represent you if your spouse or partner seeks divorce or custody.
Other Criminal Cases:
Drug crimes
Embezzlement and fraud
Assault and battery
Resisting and opposing
Shoplifting and theft
Trucking and traffic violations
Weapon offenses
Reckless driving or hit-and-run
Probation violations
Murder and manslaughter